Every person uses the internet all over the world and searching, downloading anything from the internet, and 80% of people do not know about the Darkweb, Deep web, and Surface web.

We divided the internet into three steps surface web, dark web, and deep web.

  • Surface Web
  • Darkweb
  • Deep Web


We and every people in the world use the Surface Web for searching, watching, downloading, hearing anything from the web use Surface Web. Surface web, any one person, anywhere in the world without any permission access the internet and find anything which they want is called Surface Web.


You can search the surface web through any common browser like Google Chrome, Baidu Browser, Opera mini, Ucbrowser, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and any browser which you use in your daily life.

You see data, information and anything on the browser is part of the Surface web. because the surface web is available for any people (allow everyone).

You use a Surface website like singing, blogging, movies, etc is part of the surface web. According to research, the Surface web is the 5% internet public in the world, and approximately 95% internet based on Deep Web.


Your all data, information, privacy images, cloud hosting, passwords, and backend data are stored on the deep web. Big companies, Banks, Police Information detail, a government secret, criminal reports, tracking everything privacy data or instruction stored on the Deep Web.

You any secret file or any file which you do not want to see any other person or any other data which you can not find simple browser.


If you want to access the deep web then you should special URL special DNS address special browser and should permission.

Without an address URL or Account, you can not access the deep web. If you search the deep web from any browser but you can access the deep web, and all hackers in the world use the deep web and do bad criminals.


If I stored data on Google Drive and you can not access my google drive data without my permission. if I give you permission then you access my google drive data and there is such an example of the deep web.


The dark web is the full illegal internet because you can do everything from the dark web. The dark web is the black spot of the internet where you can do everything (Hacking, Cracking passwords, Phishing attacks, and anything else). Darkweb you can not access any normal browser.

If you want to use and access the dark web then you use some special browser like TOR BROWSER. If you use the TOR browser when you access the dark web and deep web but this is fully illegal because if you do any bad work on the deep web or dark web then you can go to Jail.

Many big hackers access you and hacked your computer or laptop or any device, where to you used the dark web or deep web and share your data on the internet and then will give your threaten.


TorBrowser spread fastly all over the world. Tor Browser is good for us as well. If you want to access Darkweb, Deep web, then Tor Browser is good.

Some Accessing Dark web Links:

Advantages of Tor Browser

  • Tor Browser is the safeguard of privacy
  • Tor browser is a free and open-source platform.
  • Tor Browser helps to access the dark web and deep web websites.
  • Tor Browser uses Hackers.
  • Tor Browser Use VPN to change own IP Adress